
Showing posts from October, 2019

Rendezvous with God - A journey to Kailash Mansarovar

On June 11 th , 2012, as I stood huddled together with my husband at the staggering height of 5500m (Mount Everest is 8868m) on the Dolma La Pass with Mount Kailash in the background to get a picture clicked for posterity, I felt a numbness in my toes and an elation in my heart. This was the culmination of an arduous journey to Mount Kailash, believed to be the sacrosanct abode of Lord Shiva, the ‘Destroyer’ in the Hindu Trinity of Gods. This trip was not a vacation for me. Vacations are journeys that give us a view of the outside world. This was a pilgrimage, a journey inside, into the unexplored consciousness that had remained dormant in me all these years and had got silenced in the humdrum of life.                               At the highest point of the glacier…the Dolma La! Mount Kailash is held in great reverence by Hindus worldwide as it is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva on this earth. Since childhood, I’d