
Showing posts from June, 2017

Croatia – The Thousand Island Wonderland

A narrow strip of land tucked away in one corner of the European mainland and a cluster of small islands littered along the Adriatic Sea is hardly likely to catch your attention on the World map but a trip to the beautiful country is sure to make you reminisce your trip with fondness forever. If you love the Sun and beach combo, then a trip to Croatia can be the vacation of your dreams. There are thousands of islands all over, each one more enchanting than the other. We went to Croatia all the way from India, changing flights from Frankfurt on a Croatian Airlines Boeing to Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia. Your vacation starts the moment you board this plane. One can get a beautiful birds eye view of the Dinaric Alps with their snow laden peaks.  Beauty of the Dinaric Alps all the way from the top! Where is everyone? The moment the plane lands in Zagreb, one can’ t help but notice that the airport barely looks like an airport from any other mainstream metropol